Sunday 15 May 2016


Photo Credit - Asha Dimri

Hope is a good thing
It keeps me waiting for the love to return
Not a person but a feeling
Deep, tough, true
Unafraid of the pain it brings
But fearful of its absence
Of the void it leaves
When it's all gone
Love, faith, dreams
And the endless stories
Incomplete or with sad endings

Hope is a bad thing
It keeps me waiting
For what doesn't exist
A mirage?
A truth wrapped in a lie?
Or memories to turn real?
I don’t know what exactly
But it keeps me waiting
For the unreal
And I am happy
Or sad? I don't know

Hope is a strange thing
It keeps me alive between dead moments
The moments that belonged to me
Yet were strangers
It mends the broken dreams
Fills in the cracks of reality
And makes it new
As if it was never broken
Dreams and heart are anew
Sometimes for a moment
And sometimes a little longer